Photo : © Baptiste Coulon
My work often deals with a reformulation of trivial objects from
everyday life, which I give, by a series of operations, transformations, and
disconcerting appearances. It is based on pre-existing forms, such as plastic
packaging for snacks, salads, etc., found in supermarkets. These forms
with such singular structures designed to be rigid with minimal plastic
have inspired me to use them to generate new objects by changing the
material that constitutes them. Instead of transparent plastic, I introduce a
heterogeneous material, granular, composite, reminiscent of oxidized iron
or archaeological remains underwater.
The series FUWA FUWA treats the forms of plastic bottles. I replace
the transparent plastic with noble materials, ceramic and glass. The ceramic
element evokes an archeological piece and the glass element sketches the
missing piece as a fantom object of the consumption of our times. Plastic
has become for me an important subject of research because it symbolises
the speed of our current society. This takes on the strange appearance of an
object difficult to date, archaic and futuristic at the same time. The universal
and contemporary resonance of this temporal ambiguity is what interests
For this series, I was inspired by archeological pieces exhibited in
different museums. The works consist of filling in missing parts of these
objects with glass or transparent resin. It is a matter of recalling the original
form of the object by showing a ceramic archeological object conserved
and crystallized with glass.
These pieces can be used as small sake bottles or as fragrance diffusers.